Last Week’s Bulletin Report- 5/10/20

Last Week’s Bulletin Report
May 10, 2020:

FB/ Youtube Reach: Morning …..768 Evening…..351
All on Campus: Morning …..NA          Evening…..NA
Weekly Budget Needs…..$16,218.00
Budget Receipts…..$16,289.00
Total Offerings…..$19,445.00
Annie Armstrong to Date…..$5,830.00
Building Fund…..$60.00
Capital Giving Pledges…..$2,821.00

Until we can worship together again in person, keep praising Jesus and praying for one another!
Since we will not be meeting as a group, there are several ways that you can still give:
1. You can go to our website ( and click on the link: GIVE and follow the directions.
2. You can mail your checks to: Southside Baptist Church, PO Box 684. Princeton, KY 42445
3. You can send your offering through your bank through Bill Pay.
4. You can bring your offering to the church office during the week, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and we will meet you at the door.
5. You can leave your offering in the dropbox by the Office Doors. It is a no-contact/ secure option. The box is bolted to the wall, locked, and under camera surveillance.


Last Week’s Bulletin Report- 5/3/20

Last Week’s Bulletin Report
May 3, 2020:

FB/ Youtube Reach: Morning …..1,185 Evening…..632
All on Campus: Morning …..NA Evening…..NA
Weekly Budget Needs…..$16,218.00
Budget Receipts…..$10,367.00
Total Offerings…..$13,917.00
Annie Armstrong to Date…..$5,830.00
Building Fund…..$1070.00
Capital Giving Pledges…..$2,225.00

Until we can worship together again in person, keep praising Jesus and praying for one another!
Since we will not be meeting as a group, there are several ways that you can still give:
1. You can go to our website ( and click on the link: GIVE and follow the directions.
2. You can mail your checks to: Southside Baptist Church, PO Box 684. Princeton, KY 42445
3. You can send your offering through your bank through Bill Pay.
4. You can bring your offering to the church office during the week, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and we will meet you at the door.
5. You can leave your offering in the dropbox by the Office Doors. It is a no-contact/ secure option. The box is bolted to the wall, locked, and under camera surveillance.


Last Week’s Bulletin Report- 4/26/20

Last Week’s Bulletin Report
April 26, 2020:

FB/ Youtube Reach: Morning …..1,321 Evening…..659
All on Campus: Morning …..NA Evening…..NA
Weekly Budget Needs…..$16,218.00
Budget Receipts…..$19,372.75
Total Offerings…..$23,074.45
Annie Armstrong to Date…..$5,810.00
Building Fund…..$0.00
Capital Giving Pledges…..$3,472.00

Until we can worship together again in person, keep praising Jesus and praying for one another!
Since we will not be meeting as a group, there are several ways that you can still give:
1. You can go to our website ( and click on the link: GIVE and follow the directions.
2. You can mail your checks to: Southside Baptist Church, PO Box 684. Princeton, KY 42445
3. You can send your offering through your bank through Bill Pay.
4. You can bring your offering to the church office during the week, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and we will meet you at the door.
5. You can leave your offering in the dropbox by the Office Doors. It is a no-contact/ secure option. The box is bolted to the wall, locked, and under camera surveillance.

Reopening the Church

Reopening the Church & How You Can Help

Reopening the Church

Southside Family,

After weeks of praying and waiting, our time to be able to gather again is upon us! For me, it feels like an opportunity for Southside Baptist Church to begin again. While we will be returning to worship soon, we won’t be returning with things exactly as they were prior to Covid-19.
Enclosed is a survey we are asking you to participate in. It will give you an idea of what things will be like in the early weeks of reopening, and also provide you with an opportunity to express any concerns you might have. We take both the spiritual as well as the physical health of our membership very seriously, and will seek to go above and beyond in order to ensure the safety of all who gather with the church.
While we will not be reopening exactly like we remember, we will be meeting together at 205 Nichols Street, and for this I am grateful. I’ve missed you all so much and cannot wait to worship the Risen Jesus with all of you again. To God Be The Glory For The Things He Has Done!
Pastor Kyle