Follow God’s Plan FAQs

Ivan Birrell, Communications Director

These Frequently Asked Questions are the questions (and answers!) that came up most during the Prayer & Informational Meetings the week of March 19-23

What is the church doing with the Cadiz Road property?

The property will be retained for  future growth.  This can be re-evaluated at a later date by the church if needed.

Is the building fund money going to be used on the new family life    center?

Yes, it is going to be used on new building.  Charitable tax laws prohibit a person from designating funds to a charitable organization and then have them be tax deductible.  This allows the church to utilize the funds to best serve the Lord’s work.

The building fund was also set up before the Cadiz property was ever purchased.  I know some people  assumed that the money was given for the Cadiz property but the church minutes from the business meetings prove the building fund preceded any land purchases.

What happens to the family life center if the church moves to the new property?

Several options are possible. It can be retained by the church for use as a family life center.  It can be converted into the preschool or a Christian school.  It can be sold because it is on a separate piece of property from the church proper.

Why is the building orientated with the front entrance facing the old Fortner property?

Since part of the old structure is being refurbished instead of a completely new building (significant saving doing it this way), the building could not exit directly onto the street side due to safety concerns and  spacing allowances for the drive through canopy.

Will the kitchen area be commercial grade?


When will construction begin on the new building?

Construction can begin as earlier as late summer or beginning of fall.

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